St. Lawrence


Priest in Charge: Rev. Jules Mambu

Tel: 0161 320 4895

Church Management

How the Church is organised in the Local Parish and in the Manchester Diocese

Local Parish

The Priest-in-Charge is responsible for the entire Parish community including worship services

Committee Structure

The two Church Wardens provide support for the Priest-in-Charge and are responsible for the Fabric of the Church

The Parochial Church Council (PCC)

  • is made up of elected Church members
  • meets at least 4 times per year
  • has a secretary and a treasurer
  • make decisions about the Finances and Activities of the Parish
  • takes ownership of the Mission of the church

The Standing and Finance Committee is a subset of the PCC and meets and can make decisions in between PCC meetings

A number of smaller committees are made up from PCC members and congregation members to discuss specific aspects of the Church and to create proposals for PCC consideration.

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